#WeDeliverForYou : How Toyota Material Handling will support emission reductions at Paris 2024 – and give insights to logistic operations beyond the games

• Less than one year to go to the start of Paris 2024 • Electrification strategy to support overall goal of 50% lower emissions compared to Tokyo 2020. Communication plan will give insights to the vital role of supply and movement of goods across Europe

Toyota Material Handling Europe is the official partner for material handling equipment at the Olympic and Paralympic games Paris 2024. Working closely with Toyota Motor Europe - and with less than one year to go - the Company is now able to give insights to how they will be supporting the commitment that Paris 2024 will emit 50% less CO2 than previous games.

A significant part of the plan is the exclusive use of electrically powered trucks to minimise CO2 emissions for all movement of goods. The task is challenging, supplying equipment, food and refreshments to over 15,000 athletes and 15 million visitors. Toyota’s machines will be powered by the company’s latest lithium-ion batteries.

The company’s Director of Marketing, Mark Peters explained, “We see the games as a perfect opportunity to showcase the advanced technologies that are available today for seamless and effortless movement of goods – including not only the latest and cleanest energy solutions but also the use of connectivity to monitor how trucks are utilised during the games. This will provide valuable utilisation data to use as a benchmark for future projects. We are also measuring and documenting the precise emissions generated by our equipment to form a foundation for future events. It’s part of our core philosophy that you must measure to be able to improve.”

Toyota Material Handling has also announced a communication programme that they will be running during the months prior to and during the games. Peters continues: “The logistics industry plays a vital role in the background of everybody’s lives. If you consider just the supply of daily requirements such as food, beverages and medicines for over 750 million people in Europe, the task is enormous. Then you add to that everything consumers need, use and wear. This process is ongoing - 24/7 - and is in many ways invisible to most people. At the same time our industry is making massive steps forward in the use of ever more efficient methodology and technology, better use of energy and people, and the introduction of exciting new automated solutions. Over the coming months, we want to use our association with the Olympics and Paralympics as a platform to provide an insight into the world of material handling to as many people as possible.” 

Toyota Material Handling Europe will be sharing many fascinating facts and figures connected to logistic activities, as well as insights into the advanced technologies that are currently being deployed in the industry. Their aim is to not only reassure consumers that major steps are being made to reduce environmental impact, but also to attract talented people by unveiling opportunities in the sector.

Another initiative in connection with the Games is Toyota’s ’Start Your Impossible’ programme which is designed to encourage employees to engage in activities and challenges during the months leading up to the event, including local community projects. Top performers will win tickets to the Paralympics. There are also plans to have 55 volunteers support the Games.

Toyota Material Handling Europe’s parent company, Toyota Industries Corporation, is part of Toyota Group companies. Toyota has been a member of the Olympic Partner (TOP) Programme since 2015, and Toyota Motor Corporation has since provided the Games with mobility solutions and services.

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